With Bike Week roaring up on us it seemed appropriate that I would give a shout out to one of my favorite haunts on Beach Street. The Daytona Diner is hidden behind what used to be Bruce Rossmeyer's Daytona shop and is now converted {or darn close} to a Harley-Davidson Museum.
That said, unless you are a biker this might not be the time to "check it out" {go week after next} but it's a great old school diner with a soda fountain style counter and booths, great waitstaff and an awesome short order cook.... everything is shiny and clean and the food is excellent.... breakfast until 11 then on to the blue plate specials.
TIP: It's ALL good but the Biscuits & Gravy are my personal favorite.... WARNING: if ordering pancakeS you better be hungry, otherwise perhaps you should stick with ordering just A pancake.
Stop by and check it out, you'll become a regular too :)