Sunday, January 27, 2013

Best meal last week! {Tilapia in Foil}

Tilapia in Foil
Have I mentioned we are dieting? I know, UGH.  But it hasn't been that bad.... just cleaning up our diet, getting off the couch, curbing my alcoholism :)  you know, the basics.  Someone asked if that was why I've not been blogging and it's really not.  I'm still making all sorts of yumminess over here..... but since I haven't really been sharing much of my journey I thought I'd start.  I'm not turning into a health blog but I figured I'd share my menu and favorite recipe from last week.

Chez Webb menu last week:
Sunday: Whole Wheat Lasagna Rolls
Monday Tilapia in Foil
Tuesday: Chicken Enciladas
Wednesday: Pad Thai Stir Fry
Friday: Thai Green Curry at Zen Bistro
Saturday: Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup
See? no deprivation over here and I am down 21 lbs since mid-October [34 if you count the 6 I gained back over the holidays and have now lost again LOL]!

 Anyhow, my favorite meal last week was the Tilapia.  It's not a big complicated recipe but more a technique that would work with just about any fillet and it was a huge hit.

Tilapia fillets [1 per person]
optional: 1/2 cup patagonian scallops
veggies: I used green beans, asparagus & carrots
1/2 teaspoon Herbs de Provence per fillet
1 TBSP butter per fillet
Kosher salt and freshly ground black peppercooking spray

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F.

 Blanch your veggies for 3 minutes [the only veggie I did not blanch from my selection were the asparagus tops].

Lay out a large square of foil for each fillet;  lightly spray with cooking spray where the fillet will go.

 Lay each fillet out on its own piece of foil.
Sprinkle your herbs on the fillet.

 Add your veggies and set your butter on top [you could sub a drizzle of olive oil but I just really love butter!]

Lightly salt & pepper

Bring two sides of foil up and Fold over the fillet and roll up the edges to create a seal. I label mine with a Sharpie as I customize somewhat.... only David & I got scallops, Dylan extra carrots, etc.

Place on a baking sheet and bake for 15 to 20 minutes.

I serve the foil on the plate.... be careful as you open as the steam is HOT.

Bonus:  ZERO clean up. 


Random Yumminess I captured during the week

Whole Wheat Lasagna Rolls
with ground chicken marinara
[I'll post recipe another day]
Baked Chicken Divan
from Eat Yourself Skinny

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  1. Congrats on your weight loss and love your menu :)

  2. Looks like a wonderful recipe and well done on the weight loss. My mid week meals are always "healthy", ie low to medium fat, and I have never felt deprived either!

    1. Thanks soooo yum. Did an "Italian" version last week that I need to post :)
