What a week.... I bring you my Featured 5 from a hotel room in Springfield Massachsetts this week!
So even though no cooking by the Grasshopper Girl the rest of you kept it rolling....
for starters.... Nicole at Nicoleander Kitchen spent her Sunday stuffing little tofu cubes with some super yummy orzo stuffing.... I've never used tofu but this will be what I make as my maiden voyage.... so awesome.
Then Jenn @ Home Skillet came by with some seriously yummy looking Beef Yakitori.. the glaze looks and sounds pnenominal!
I don't know about you but ALL WEEK LONG I kept seeing S'mores, S'mores & more S'mores and interestingly enough I am Guest Posting over at Treats & Trinkets on Sunday about..... yup S'Mores! But this one grabbed me & I saved it for the Feature.... pretty sure I saw it on Foodbuzz Top 9 AFTER I chose it.... just sayin' Anyhow, Kita at Pass the Sushi.... thanks for the lovely S'mores Bars.
And while we are talking S'mores.... I also saw this yummilicious S'more Fudge....
I know, I know,
I'm degenerating into my SWEETS again....
but sometimes that's just what you get!
Thanks Big Fat Baker! YUMMY :)

I was like. Shut. UP! I'm so trying this....
One for good luck you say?
Well, here I am innocently minding my own business
when in pops Kelly from over at Eat Yourself Skinny with.... freaking FUNFETTI DIP.
I was momentarily speechless
{and that doesn't happen often}
and then she proceeds to say that it's not a diet buster.
Overcome that's what I am.
Thank you to all for letting me repost****
check me out Sunday at Kim's Treats and Trinkets....
posting a S'mores recipe on her Sunday S'mores
in case you haven't seen ENOUGH of them
click that link and check out
the Messy Baker's S'mores Shake, REALLY Jennie? OMG!!!!
and of course....
JUST My & the Purple
Dragonfly Boutique's AWESOME JUNE GIVEAWAY!!!!