Monday, August 19, 2013

Sparkling Not So Simple Sangria Flora

Sparkling Not So Simple Sangria Flora

Shuffling through  Instagram on Sunday I came across St. Germaine's Sangria Flora .... It looked lovely.

Fact: nothing is nicer than a lovely glass of Sangria on a lovely afternoon.

I headed to my bar and came up with a variation of their recipe to suit my mood and pantry and to cut the alcohol I enlisted the help of my "Not So Simple Syrup" and seltzer.  It was as lovely as I imagined and so I had to share with YOU!

What you need:
What You Do:
1. Pour the wine into a pitcher.
2. Stir in the St. Germaine, Not So Simple Syrup and the fruit. 
3. If time allows chill for a few hours (which I acknowledge is not always the case).  Right before serving, add the sparkling water to the pitcher, then pour the sangria into glasses packed with ice.


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