
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Not the P Word! {Trail Mix Cookie Recipe}

Trail Mix Cookies
I found this great little Blog called Butter vs. Burpees.... those of you who know me from my Crossfitting days know that I had to go look and see if I could sign up to cheer on the Butter.... but instead I found this most incredibly yummy recipe for PALEO {nooooooooooooo} cookies.  I tweaked ever so slightly but want to be sure I nod to the originator.... go check out her blog there's this and more, but in meanwhile try these, 20 minutes start to your first bite of heaven...

Trail Mix Cookies
Makes: 12 cookies
  • 1/2 rounded cup almond flour
  • 1/4 cup sesame seeds
  • 1/4 cup chopped walnuts
  • 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds
  • 1/4 cup dried cranberries
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup natural almond butter
  • 1/4 cup pure maple syrup
  • egg

Preheat oven to 350F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper, or foil. If you have neither, be sure to grease your sheet well.

Throw EVERYTHING in a mixing bowl and mix well with a wooden spoon until totally combined.

If you can manage to NOT eat the batter uncooked {it won't be easy but remember there's a raw egg in there} Drop rounded tablespoonfuls on the lined baking sheet and bake for roughly 10 minutes minutes, until just starting to get golden.

OMG, there's NO way these are "good" for you.

David proposed again after having one of these.


  1. This recipe looks great and exactly the type of recipe I like ... simple, fast and whole food ingredients. Just curious, are you not a paleo fan? What's the backstory?

    1. wellllll, I was Paleo for a while and a Crossfitting fool {best shape of my life} but unfortunately our trainer was an unmedicated bipolar and then we were like a runaway train and ultimately a train wreck and alas I now associate Paleo with her nutiness but I still have lots of friends that still Xfit & so I like to joke about it. I do think it's a good healthy strategy though and what we are doing now is basically Paleo but the current "program" doesn't say the word. BUT all that craziness aside, OMFreakingG these cookies are the best cookies ever.... paleo or not. Very filling and about a 100 calories each, I posted it on and all the nutritional stats are there. And easy!!! some recipes are SO complex, this one not :)

    2. CJ, if you would please let me know if you get an email when I reply.... I need to figure this out. I comment on people but unless I respond to ALL comments which is always regrettable I dont get emails EXCEPT from a few, so I gather it's a "setting"

    3. I did not get an email for your reply.

  2. These cookies look and sound delicious. I like the use of almond butter and pumpkins seeds in your recipe. I need to give them try. Thanks for a great post:)

  3. Gorgeous!!I would love to have a bite of this with my cup of tea right now :)I've joined you too my friend :)

  4. These cookies sound insane! I just want to eat the entire batch (considering I can eat bags of trail mix in one go :P)

    Choc Chip Uru
